Electronic Engineer

Alonso Ramírez

Electronics and communications engineer with a wide variety of knowledge in multiple proyects of the electronic industry.

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Why choose me?

Passionate, Proactive and always excited to learn new skills

Throughout many years I've managed to learn different skills like: audio engineering, language learning, electronic engineering, and now I want to apply everything I've learned into creating exciting frontend development proyects.

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My Proyects

Choose proyects available

Expense tracker

React.js user friendly and completely interactive expense tracker.

Gitghub Code

Audio Visualizer

JavaScript bar themed audio visualizer that can visualize any mp3 file of your choice.

Gitghub Code

Smart Wheel Chair

smart wheelchair with obstacle detection and energy saving system in real time based on the user's weight, as well as a user interface implemented on a touch screen to move the chair in different directions.

Youtube Video
My Skills

Multiple frontend development Skills


Java Script


Fast Learner


24/7 service

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Alonso Ramírez